Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Moi dix Mois: New Album and Mana's Growing Love Affair With Obscurity

As some of you may or may not know, Mana is finally releasing a new album this December titled D+Sect. The announcement is a few months in but may I say, it's about time! (All things considering his entire fan base being teased relentlessly with two new songs at V-ROCK festival last year)

So alright...D+Sect...hooray! Got that out there.

Now let's bring up the issue of what the hell is happening with Mana lately. Over the past two years I've heard a lot of bitching from angry fan club members who no longer receive their coveted Madoushou booklets.The fanclub members aren't getting their benefits and are getting even fewer explanations. Evidently Mana's staff, or the person who sits behind the curtain to answer emails (remember, pay no attention to him), or maybe his ongoing rotation of interpreters have abandoned Midi:Nette, because promotion for Mana seems to be at an all time low.

I remember seeing occasional live reports in Fools Mate or a blurb in SHOXX, but alas these signs of life are starting to fade.

Last March, Mana even moved to a new personal site (Monologue Garden) which is simply a blog. The posts are a little more informative, with Mana writing more about his album production, but it's nothing compared to the thrilling Monologue Theater website.

Even Mana's minions have better things to do, with Seth in ArtCube and K having joined a smaller band.

And at the bottom of it all, CD Japan is actively promoting Mana's music and clothing label, standing in as his only living friend.

My point is Mana, if you're trying for a slow jrock death, the fans are catching on. Then again, a big fat retirement check from SONY records does sound appetizing.

(Photo belongs to Midi:Nette)

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