Saturday, January 1, 2011

New Year FTW

Sup 2011!

Looks like the year is starting off right with an exciting new announcement from Kuroyume! Watch the vid and find out what they're up to.

Now that I've warmed you up with Kiyoharu (or set you on fire, depends on how you like 'em), let's talk resolutions jrock style.

Resolution #1: Start an Additional Blog and Make It Work

Currently I'm making plans and gathering content for my visual kei photography blog. I'm still deciding on whether it should be strictly photography of musicians or if I should take a step or two out of my element. Suggestions please!

Resolution #2: Buy More Music, Spend Less on Extra Crap
Kind of self explanatory here, but I want to continue to support my favorite musicians without breaking the bank. This requires telling myself that it's okay to wait 2-3 weeks for singles instead of paying 30 bucks for fast shipping.

Resolution #3: Make 2011 Better than 2010
Every year I like to write a list of the things I managed to accomplish and 2010 turned out to be incredible. I don't know if I can top working with Kanon, having the craziest conversation with Kiwamu, or covering Yoshiki and Sugizo's Otakon performance but I'll just have to try.

Perhaps GazettE could make it to the US...Just sayin', that would be nice.

Who else has jrock resolutions?


  1. I am also guilty of splurging on EMS. Its so seductive...knowing you are likely to have the single in hand the day its released since stores are often nice enough to ship it a bit early. ;_;

  2. Spending extra money on faster shipping? Geez what a terrible waste of money hahaha. I hate the idea of paying for shipping to begin with!!
    I used to try to buy stuff on preorder, from companies that offered lots of free goodies for preorders like HMV so I wouldn't be tempted to order more goods. And preorders tend to ship out early to overseas customers. Sometimes I would use slow shipping and get my stuff the day of (or even day before) release.
    My resolution is to buy more music too... Hard to break the habit since I get all my music from the artists directly XDDD
    Another resolution is to try to follow my favorite bands better!

  3. For your photo blog, I would say step out of your element. It would give it something extra that you can't find here. At the same time, I'd be wary of going into something too different like nature photography... at least in the beginning. One of my favorite photographers, who has great fashion and fetish portraits on her site, started a blog and began it with her experiments into still life and nature photography. I had to keep reminding myself that this was not different person.

    My J-rock resolution would be to listen to more indies band. Oh and write more!
